Tuesday, 16 June 2009

"Get fit" they say....."get a loan" I say....

Last year I started to do a lot more swimming, throughout the spring/summer and autumn months. I stopped during the winter ones as it was just too cold. I wasn't doing anything major but I did manage to do 2 or so miles a week. The pool I go to was doing a bCheck Spellingonus card type scheme. A swim with a drink afterwards came in at just over £2.00.

I started back again and to my horror the price has increased to just under £4.00!!! That would take me to nearly a tenner a week to do the exercise I want. The scheme with the card has finished. The reason?? The lady on the counter said because children and the elderly get it for free now (which I think it's great BTW) that the centre has to get back some money somehow.

How about subsidising the whole tariff? That way everyone benefits and us poor people that are between the ages of 16 and 60 can get some exercise too. It's just too expensive for me too swim once or twice a week now, well if I want to live and eat that is!


  1. Oh no. I thought the government were subsidising it properly. Also it isn`t free for children at all times as we have discovered. `Fun sessions` you have to pay for the normal price and other times too. Wierd system.

  2. Really?? Nothing is simple is it? I inquired about a gym, hoping to do a swim only membership (or something cheapish). They don't do one and the gym nearest me will cost £41.00 a month!!
