Tuesday 11 August 2009

The heart thief...

Last Christmas I bought my Friend Kay "The Book Thief" on audio, with a bonus pack of tissues! I borrowed it from fellow blogger Ione ages ago and was totally blown away.

For those who haven't read (or indeed heard it). It's a tale set in Hitler Germany and narrated by Death. Believe me when I tell you it's an amazing read. I admit, I cried like a baby at the end. So I was really glad that Kay absolutely LOVED it. She apparently was a complete mess by the end of the book, so those tissues came in handy.

It's a book that needs discussing and we did for quite a long time. She loved Rudy and was in floods when his fate was reveled.

She informed me that a film is in the works! A film company has bought the rights to it. No too sure how that would work, but it will be interesting to see.


  1. Wow, I`m not sure either, but I`m willing to give it a go. They`d better get Pappa right, that`s all I can say. he is one of my favourite all time characters.

  2. Yeah and Rudy! Can't imagine how they will play Death though can you?

  3. Oh yes definitely Rudy. Death might be easier as they could keep it as a shrouded figure. You don`t have to see a face or anything. I still think the worst film adaptation I ever saw was of Millions. It was soooooo disappointing.

  4. I couldn't even watch it. It was totally ruined!
