Sunday 21 June 2009

Anyone for Tennis?

Centre Court

To celebrate the start of Wimbledon today, here are a few pictures that I took while I was there last year...I seriously can't believe how fast this has gone by!!

Looking forward to some good games the next two weeks, hope the rain keeps off, even though they now have a roof in place! Even though I'm not a big Murray fan, but a Brit (OK Scot) winning would be fantastic. Although I do really like Roger, a genuine guy who is probably thr best player there is.


As for the Women...Not sure, as long as it's not one of the Willaims that's OK by me!


  1. I agree about the women`s game and also hope it will be Federer, or Murray if it can`t be him. Liking your real life shots.

  2. Just watched Roger, he's still got it!
